Bishop Thomas John Paprocki | Diocese of Springfield
Tammy from Effingham posed a question about whether it is appropriate to ask loved ones before they die to give a specific sign after their death, indicating they are in heaven. Father Christopher Trummer, S.T.L., provided insights on this topic.
Father Trummer emphasized that the primary relationship with deceased individuals who are not canonized by the Church should be through prayer rather than seeking signs. He stated, "It is not wrong to ask for a sign that a loved one is in heaven, provided you do not base your faith or hope in God on the sign." He noted that if loved ones are indeed in heaven, God might allow them to provide some form of reassurance. However, he cautioned against interpreting the absence of such signs as evidence that loved ones are not in heaven.
The discussion also touched upon distinguishing between interactions with saints and other forms of communication with the dead or spirits. Saints may offer clear signs of love and protection through miracles or intercessions. These interactions differ significantly from occult practices, which reject God's will and seek power independently.
Father Trummer highlighted the importance of maintaining a real relationship with the faithful departed, especially saints who intercede on behalf of believers. He cited Jesus' reminder to the Sadducees: "Our God 'is not the God of the dead but of the living, for to him all are alive'" (Lk 20:38). During His Transfiguration, Jesus conversed with Moses and Elijah, demonstrating that those who have passed remain engaged in God's plan.
He advised against attempting communication with saints or deceased individuals as an alternative to seeking guidance from God. The risk of deception exists when trying to receive messages from beyond. St. Paul warned that "even Satan masquerades as an angel of light" (2 Cor 11:14).
Ultimately, Father Trummer urged believers not to base their faith on specific signs or outcomes but instead trust in God's provision. He quoted St. Paul: "Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God" (Php 4:6-7). Whether or not special signs confirm that loved ones are in heaven, believers can find peace and trust in God's mercy.