Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez | Archdiocese of Philedelphia
Bishop A. Elias Zaidan, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace, has called on Catholics to reflect on their role in aiding the vulnerable during Lent. He emphasized the importance of demonstrating God's love by supporting those in need.
"As Catholics in a global Church, we witness to the power of God’s love through our presence and assistance to those who are vulnerable," said Bishop Zaidan. He highlighted the plight of poor families worldwide struggling to meet basic needs.
"This Lent, poor families around the world are struggling to access the basic necessities which they need in order to survive," he stated. Bishop Zaidan pointed out specific challenges faced by these communities, such as children at risk of acute malnutrition and pregnant mothers lacking essential care. He also noted that efforts to prevent diseases like measles, polio, and pneumonia have been hindered.
Bishop Zaidan reminded believers that each individual facing these hardships is valued by God and deserves compassionate support: "Yet we know that each child who is hungry and each mother and father who struggle to care for their family is precious in the eyes of God and is a neighbor in need of our loving care."