Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez | Archdiocese of Philedelphia
Many challenges related to immigration have recently come to the forefront of public discussion. Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez expressed his concerns about the various reactions, which have been marked by anxiety, fear, anger, and polarization.
"As Catholics, we discern immigration matters guided by prayerful hearts in a manner that seeks justice, charity, and dignity for all human beings while embracing a shared responsibility to ensure the safety of our communities and our country," stated Archbishop Pérez.
The archbishop highlighted Christ's teachings as central to their approach towards immigrants and refugees. He cited Christ’s call "to welcome the stranger" and referenced Matthew 25:40: “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”
Philadelphia has historically welcomed individuals fleeing oppression in search of better opportunities. Archbishop Pérez emphasized that immigrants are integral members of the community deserving dignity and respect. "They were created in the image and likeness of God," he affirmed.
He acknowledged the necessity for civil authorities to implement policies ensuring public safety while safeguarding everyone's rights within the United States. He called for thoughtful immigration policy reforms balancing dignity with justice. Such reforms should aim at preventing family separations and abuses by traffickers while facilitating a more efficient path to citizenship.
"Reaching that point will require wisdom, courage, and a peaceful spirit from our elected officials and from each of us," noted Archbishop Pérez.
In his statement, he also included a prayer seeking divine guidance for understanding societal issues through a Gospel perspective. The prayer called for discernment among civic leaders and encouraged support for policies aligned with Christian values.
Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez concluded with an appeal to God for wisdom and peace across the nation.