Bishop Thomas John Paprocki | Diocese of Springfield
Students from Eastern Illinois University (EIU) and Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville (SIUE) attended SEEK25, a major Catholic young adult conference organized by the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS). The event took place from January 1-5 in Salt Lake City, Utah, and January 2-5 in Washington, D.C., drawing over 21,000 participants.
Jacob Morrisey, an EIU student from Charleston, reflected on the impact of a question posed by speaker Arthur Brooks: “Why are you alive?” He shared that this question has influenced his understanding of purpose. "At this point in my life, one reason I am here is to spread the Good News of the Gospel with others," he said. Morrisey also expressed his desire to help others through his finance and accounting studies and to share faith and love with his family.
Maddy Habing, another EIU student from Teutopolis, emphasized the diversity of personal journeys with God she observed at SEEK. “The week of prayer and talks taught me that not everyone has the same relationship with God,” she said. Habing plans to integrate these insights into her campus life.
Matthew Gierer from SIUE noted the vibrancy of faith among students: “Despite the narrative of the culture, God is very much alive — not just in priests and religious but in ‘ordinary people’ like us college students.” Maggie Waller, also from SIUE, left SEEK feeling inspired by truth-centered talks and strengthened friendships.
SEEK attendees often come from FOCUS campuses where missionaries build Catholic communities. SIUE had 27 participants thanks to its FOCUS team. Meanwhile, EIU's Newman Center organized a group including their chaplain Father Michael Berndt.
Next year's conference locations for SEEK26 will be Denver, Colorado; Columbus, Ohio; and Fort Worth, Texas.