Bishop Thomas John Paprocki | Diocese of Springfield
Legislation that aimed to legalize physician-assisted suicide in Illinois was not brought to a vote during the Lame Duck Session at the Statehouse in early January. Concerns were raised by opponents that Senate Bill 3499 might be called for a vote. Although it was not addressed, the new Illinois General Assembly, sworn into office on January 8, could consider such legislation this spring.
Proponents refer to the measure as Medical Aid in Dying (MAID), but critics argue that using "medical" to describe taking a life distorts medicine's meaning and masks what Senate Bill 3499 is about, suggesting it should be termed "assisted suicide."
Legalizing assisted suicide is said to conflict with Church teachings on life's sanctity and dignity. It allegedly undermines the value of vulnerable individuals. There are claims that laws permitting assisted suicide pose risks to marginalized groups who may feel pressured to end their lives rather than receive necessary care.
Examples from states where assisted suicide is legal indicate cases where people with rare or severe conditions were denied medical treatment and offered life-ending prescriptions instead. Critics urge lawmakers to consider Canada's example, where initial safeguards have expanded beyond terminal illnesses to include mental illness.
Opponents argue Illinois does not need legalized assisted suicide but rather increased access to quality healthcare, enhanced palliative care options, and compassionate support services for those nearing life's end.
Catholic Times will inform readers when a new bill is filed so they can contact state lawmakers and express opposition. Readers are also encouraged to pray for those supporting assisted suicide.