
Understanding Mary's awareness about her sinlessness


American Catholic Tribune Sep 23, 2024

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Bishop Thomas John Paprocki | Diocese of Springfield

Did Mary always know she was sinless from her conception, or did she only find out she was without sin when the angel Gabriel appeared to her in Luke’s Gospel announcing that she would be the Mother of God? On that note, how much did Mary know and understand about Jesus and Him being the Son of God, having to die for our sins, and then rising from the dead to open the gates of Heaven?

John in Jacksonville

The first part of your question concerns Mary’s knowledge of herself and her role in God’s plan prior to the Annunciation. Let me first say that any answer to this question will be somewhat speculative. To my knowledge, there is no definitive Church teaching about what Mary knew about herself before the Annunciation. However, I think we can deduce certain things with a good degree of confidence.

First, there is a difference between knowing something intuitively or implicitly and knowing it explicitly. For example, it is fair to assume that none of the Apostles could have elaborated the Nicene Creed (written in 325 AD), but this does not mean they did not believe everything the Creed states, at least implicitly or in a basic form. One does not need a technical and philosophically precise definition of something to understand and believe it. Highly intelligent people often have more objections and hang-ups that demand more detailed explanations, but this does not necessarily mean that they more deeply understand the mysteries of the faith. Recall Jesus’ own words, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children” (Mt 11:25). Saints are the best theologians because "the pure in heart shall see God" (Mt 5:8).

Applying these points to Mary, she could have been deeply aware of the unique graces she received even if she did not have (or need) the technical language to explain them. We certainly must say that Mary enjoyed deep spiritual communion with God from the moment of her conception. This intimacy with God surely had practical consequences for her knowledge of Him and herself as she grew up. Of course, like any human being, Mary’s knowledge and understanding would have corresponded to her level of development. For example, her awareness of being uniquely blessed and chosen by God at age 14 would have been quite different at age 4.

Second, Mary would have been aware of her sinlessness through her conscience. The Catechism defines conscience as “a judgment of reason whereby the human person recognizes the moral quality of a concrete act that he is going to perform is in process performing or has already completed” (CCC 1778). Because she was sinless Mary's conscience would have been clear all guilt; she would known innocent eyes God applies personal sins concept original developed Jewish faith reason know understood connection fallen sinful humanity despite being sinless herself.

Now let us turn to scene Annunciation angel Gabriel greets saying “Chaire kecharitōmenē” Lk literally means Hail filled grace Luke recounts greatly troubled saying tried discern sort greeting might v couple factors explain uneasy response First supremely humble therefore taken back high praise especially coming messenger Second fully aware exalted status feeling Who me

After Gabriel announces conceive Jesus Son asks How since man husband question implies even already aware set apart special purpose specific plan life lack knowledge prevent assenting completely Behold handmaid Lord done according word Lk

The second part concerns identity various aspects mission Savior assume referring after Annunciation first raise easy answer knew conceive overshadowing Holy Spirit relations explicitly child born called holy Lk

Regarding death sins angel said Joseph dream call name save people Mt ahead Presentation Simeon prophesies sign opposed sword pierce soul well implies both suffer account True direct statement crucifixion resurrection immediate lead-up birth steeped prophecies Old Testament participation synagogue prayer foretold coming Messiah bring salvation Dan many chosen Servant suffer unjustly deliver include especially four Songs Suffering Servant Isaiah chapters Psalm Wisdom refer explicitly suffering violent hands vindicating end cannot exactly understood applied consider possibility wanted reveal fate gradually overwhelmed anxiety grief anticipation

Finally scene finding temple shows understood consequences When finally express anxiety confusion reassure Did know must Father house read And understand saying spoke Lk details advance kept heart ponder given once ultimately bring definitive salvation posture humility obedience trust need everything simply nextthing knowing accomplish ultimate purpose matter happened model discipleship Like details lives enough walk faith Also given grace need do so

Father Christopher Trummer STL parochial vicar St Boniface Parish Edwardsville associate delegate Health Care Professionals chaplain Springfield Chapter Catholic Physicians Guild/Catholic Medical Association license Sacred Theology Moral Pontifical University Holy Cross Rome Italy

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