
Governor Landry signs law criminalizing non-consensual use of abortion drugs


American Catholic Tribune May 24, 2024

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Marjorie Dannenfelser - President, Susan B. Anthony Pro Life America | https://sbaprolife.org

Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry has signed SB 276, known as the Catherine and Josephine Herring Act, into law. The legislation criminalizes the act of poisoning a pregnant woman with abortion drugs without her consent. The law specifically adds mifepristone and misoprostol to Louisiana’s controlled substance list while allowing doctors to prescribe these drugs for non-abortion-related reasons. It also ensures that women are not penalized under this statute.

Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of SBA Pro-Life America, praised the enactment of the law: “Abortion drug poisoning is a new form of domestic violence. Gov. Landry took a stand for women today as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have quested to erase Catherine Herring and the women like her who have experienced abortion drug poisoning and coercion. Leaders on both sides of the aisle must take this threat to women seriously and roll back the shield laws and mail-order of abortion drugs that enable abusers.”

The bill was sponsored by Senator Thomas Pressly in honor of his sister, Catherine Herring, whose daughter Josephine was nearly killed after Catherine's soon-to-be-ex-husband slipped abortion drugs obtained from Mexico into her drinks multiple times. The husband received 180 days in county jail for his actions.

“There was no ‘choice’ involved when my husband slipped abortion drugs into my drinks seven times,” said Catherine Herring. “I suffered serious side effects from the drugs that almost took my daughter’s life. As a survivor of domestic violence, I’m grateful for Louisiana’s willingness to protect women and children from those who intend to harm them with abortion drugs.”

In addition to terminating pregnancies, these drugs can cause severe side effects such as hemorrhaging, infection, and potentially death. Under a rule established by the Biden administration, these medications can be mailed and prescribed without an in-person doctor visit—a policy criticized by some advocates who argue it endangers women's health.

SBA Pro-Life America is an organization comprising over one million pro-life Americans nationwide. Its mission includes electing national leaders committed to ending abortion and advocating for laws designed to save lives, with a particular focus on promoting pro-life women leaders.

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