
Pope Francis urges global support amid escalating crisis in Haiti


American Catholic Tribune May 20, 2024

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Reverend Larry Silva, Bishop | Diocese of Honolulu

Pope Francis has made a heartfelt appeal for the people of Haiti, who are experiencing increasing chaos and violence following the assassination of their president. This crisis has compounded decades of severe economic hardships, with gang violence currently holding the country hostage.

In his prayer intention, Pope Francis urged everyone to pray and contribute to bringing peace and reconciliation to Haiti. He emphasized a preferential love for those in greatest need, aligning with his encyclical that encourages addressing root causes of suffering while helping those in pain.

On May 4th, the International Academy of Catholic Leaders (ALC) held an online "Colloquia on the Current Haiti Crisis." The event featured members of the newly appointed Haitian Transitional Presidential Council (TPC), Haitian Bishops, former Latin American presidents, and Vatican Cardinals. Participants from 39 countries joined the session, which began with a prayer by Sr. Lilian Franco reflecting on unity and peace.

Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, stressed the need for international support for Haiti's humanitarian and security crises. Former presidents from Chile, Costa Rica, and Mexico highlighted the resilience of Haitians and called for international aid to restore law and order.

Cardinal Christophe Pierre and Cardinal Carlos Osoro echoed these calls for solidarity. Testimonies from Haitian participants were particularly moving. Bishop Pierre Dumas spoke from his hospital bed after suffering burns from gang-related violence, pleading for fellowship-based international relations with Haiti. Bishop Andre Piere called for international security support, while Bishop Jacque Fabre stressed stopping arms flow from the USA to Haiti.

The TPC members offered practical recommendations for a peaceful future. Paul Antonio emphasized permanent support for neighborhoods in Port-au-Prince affected by violence. Leslie Voltaire advocated establishing a security council to curb arms flow and rebuild police forces. Regine Abraham highlighted focusing on family well-being and environmental investment.

Pope Francis concluded with an inspiring prayer calling for unity, justice, peace, and healthier societies free from hunger, poverty, violence, and war.

For more information on Fratelli Tutti: [Vatican Encyclical](https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20201003_enciclica-fratelli-tutti.html).

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