Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., D.D. Archbishop | Archdiocese of Newark website
Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., shared a heartfelt Easter message with his audience, emphasizing the significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In his message, the Cardinal expressed, "Mis queridas hermanas y hermanos en Cristo," and joyfully exclaimed, "¡Cristo ha resucitado! ¡Aleluya!"
Reflecting on the Easter season, Cardinal Tobin highlighted the redemptive power of Christ's victory over sin and death, stating, "Proclamamos con alegría la resurrección de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, cuya victoria sobre el pecado y la muerte nos ha liberado." Despite the challenges faced by many around the world, including in regions like Ucrania, Tierra Santa, and Haití, the Cardinal found solace in the hope brought by Jesus' resurrection.
The Cardinal encouraged his listeners to embrace the Easter spirit, noting, "Durante esta temporada de Pascua, nuestros corazones rebosan de alegría." While acknowledging the pain and suffering in various troubled areas, he emphasized the transformative power of Christ's resurrection in fostering peace, hope, and unwavering love.
In conclusion, Cardinal Tobin extended his Easter blessings, wishing for an abundance of faith, hope, and love for all, saying, "Esta Pascua, les deseo una abundancia de la fe, la esperanza y el amor que la resurrección de Cristo ha ganado para nosotros." He concluded with a heartfelt prayer for joy and blessings upon his audience, stating, "Oro para que este sea un tiempo de regocijo para ustedes y para todas las personas que aman." And finally, he imparted his blessing, "Que Cristo Redentor los bendiga. ¡Aleluya!"