Holy Trinity Catholic Church in South St Paul
Here are upcoming Mass times intentions for Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Monday, May 29 Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the
Church/Memorial Day
8:00 AM At Holy Angels Parish
Tuesday, May 30 St. Joan of Arc
8:00 AM + Pat Bohn
Wednesday, May 31 The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin
8:00 AM + Joan Laatsch-Hetebrueg
Thursday, June 1 St. Justin, Martyr
8:00 AM + Kathleen Zimmerman
Friday June 2 Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs
8:00 AM + Intentions of Alan Lewis
Saturday, June 3 The Most Holy Trinity—Vigil
4:15 PM Theda and Pat Bartilucci
Sunday, June 4 The Most Holy Trinity
8:00 AM + Rita Lauters
10:30 AM For the people of Holy Trinity
Original source can be found here