Bishop John Noonan | Diocese of Orland website
On March 1, 2025, Bishop Moore Catholic High School in Orlando hosted the 12th annual Central Florida Laps4Life fundraising event. Organized by the local Knights of Columbus, the event provided an opportunity for participants to engage in physical activity while supporting a cause. The funds raised were designated to aid pro-life pregnancy centers.
The school’s track served as the venue for runners and walkers, with activities for children taking place on the track infield. James Taglia, who has been CEO of Laps4Life for eight years, described it as “a celebration, a fun event.” This year’s fundraising target was set at $125,000, marking the highest goal to date.
Proceeds from the event are used to acquire ultrasound equipment for pregnancy centers. So far, 50 machines have been purchased, allowing women considering abortion to see their unborn child and hear its heartbeat.
Among those present were representatives from several pregnancy centers including Vans for Life, a mobile center based in Texas. Bob Perron, Executive Director of JMJ Pregnancy Center stated: “Our goal is to give hope to women contemplating abortion... They need to know that there is another way.” With support from JMJ last year, 607 women opted against abortion.
Members of Bishop Moore Hornets for Life club also attended. Founded 15 years ago by students and faculty member Jennifer Connell, the club aims “to teach students to appreciate life from conception to natural death.” A club member expressed that it helped them understand their purpose according to God’s creation.
By George Fournier