
Discerning divine signs: understanding God's communication


American Catholic Tribune Sep 6, 2024

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Rev. James D. Conley, D.D., S.T.L. | Diocese of Lincoln website

Q. Does God send signs? How do we know if something is a sign, or our own thoughts?

A. “An evil and unfaithful generation seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah” (Mt 16:4). I have heard this verse quoted as proof that we, as believers, should not seek a sign from God. However, Jesus is not saying “don’t seek a sign,” but rather “don’t be evil and unfaithful like the Pharisees and Sadducees who ask only for a sign to test me” (Mt 16:1).

Ironically, Jesus affirms the use of signs by sending them the “sign of Jonah,” i.e., that He will be crucified and buried and three days later, will rise from the dead.

Clearly, God sends signs because he wants to communicate with us, and signs are but one way that He does so. Regardless of the way that God speaks to us, we as Christians are given the responsibility to test whether what we receive is really from God or not. That leads us to our second question: how can we tell if a sign is from God or not? There are a few ways.

Right away, we know God does not contradict himself. For example, God is not going to lead you to disobey the commandments, contradict Sacred Scripture, Tradition, or the Magisterium. Furthermore, God is also a God of reason. Therefore, He will not ask you to do something crazy like walking across a busy highway with a blindfold on or quitting your job to become a hermit when you are married and have children to provide for.

He speaks in a clear voice as He affirms in John 10:27, saying “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” If there is something fuzzy or confusing, it is not from God. Often times, if God is inviting you to something new, He will also speak in repetition in a variety of ways. We do not have to play “Where’s Waldo” when it comes to important things God wants to communicate to us.

Another way we can discern if something is of God or not is to judge its fruit. “A good tree does not bear rotten fruit nor does a rotten tree bear good fruit. For every tree is known by its own fruit,” Jesus says in Luke 6:43-44. The “good fruits” of the Holy Spirit are charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty self-control chastity Therefore any sign that leads us decisions bring right relationship with others inevitably produce these holy delicious fruits

Lastly St Ignatius Loyola gave his apply based where spiritual life various movements heart reject accept lastly ways evil attacks useful discerning final note caution Well-known preacher podcaster Father Mike Schmitz once said asking mitigate personal responsibility diminish free end day just free follow them faith intersect decision always left individual loves respects much ever hence aid never force

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