
Iowa enacts fetal heartbeat law amid ongoing legal challenges


American Catholic Tribune Jul 29, 2024

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Marjorie Dannenfelser - President, Susan B. Anthony Pro Life America | Official website

Starting today, the lives of babies with beating hearts are now protected in Iowa. In June, the state Supreme Court issued a decision on the Fetal Heartbeat Act to send the case back to the lower courts and lift an injunction on the law. In the majority opinion, justices dealt a blow to Planned Parenthood by declaring that the court has not previously made a determination “whether the Iowa Constitution provided an independent right to obtain an abortion.”

Iowa is now the 18th state with a law in effect protecting unborn children who have a heartbeat. The law is estimated to protect 2,093 lives annually.

Neesha Lewis, a Georgia mother and medical professional, celebrated Iowa’s heartbeat law taking effect. When she became unexpectedly pregnant, she called to schedule an abortion but was told her state had a heartbeat limit. Through a friend at church, she was connected with a pregnancy center and pursued an open adoption. She expressed gratitude for Georgia's heartbeat law.

“I am so happy that babies in Iowa will now be protected by a heartbeat law. Georgia’s heartbeat law saved my beautiful son’s life, and now in Iowa, more babies like mine will be given the chance at life," said Lewis. "I know firsthand that an unplanned pregnancy can be scary, but there is help out there for mothers like me who need support and care before, during and after birth.”

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser also celebrated this development: “Today is a historic day for Iowa where babies with beating hearts are now protected. Though the abortion lobby’s heartless efforts to legalize second- and third-trimester abortion will continue, we have reason to hope that this progress in the great human rights struggle of our time will not be undone."

Dannenfelser praised Gov. Kim Reynolds' administration: "Under Gov. Kim Reynolds, Iowa is building a culture of life by increasing support to moms and families through Thrive Iowa and the MOMS Program. More precious babies will live because of this law; more mothers will be supported; and Iowa will be an even better place with these boys and girls who will grow up to be teachers, farmers, entrepreneurs and first responders."

“We thank Gov. Kim Reynolds, Attorney General Brenna Bird, and legislators for persisting in the fight for life and representing the people’s will to protect babies with a heartbeat,” Dannenfelser added.

According to data from the Charlotte Lozier Institute, once a heartbeat is detected, babies have over a 90% chance of surviving.

Gov. Reynolds signed additional pro-life legislation into law this year aimed at enhancing support for those facing unplanned pregnancies. These measures include SF 2251 which extends Medicaid coverage for new mothers through their first full year postpartum and SF 2252 which allows partnerships between the Department of Health and Human Services and pregnancy resource centers.

In June 2023, the Iowa Supreme Court prevented pre-Dobbs heartbeat protection from taking effect. Following this ruling, Gov. Kim Reynolds called for a special session leading to passage of new legislation on fetal heartbeats which faced immediate judicial challenges post-enactment.

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America remains dedicated to ending abortion by electing national leaders supportive of pro-life laws while promoting women leaders within its advocacy network.

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