
Bishop emphasizes faith amid life's storms during Twelfth Sunday homily


American Catholic Tribune Jun 23, 2024

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Reverend Larry Silva, Bishop | Diocese of Honolulu

Marriage is a sacrament that joins a man and a woman in a lifelong bond of love. However, marriages can sometimes face challenges, leading to uncertainty about their future without major intervention. Life's storms, such as serious illness or job loss, can cause significant anxiety and despair.

The Gospel reading today about Jesus' disciples on a storm-tossed lake symbolizes the various torments and storms in life. Like the disciples, our initial reaction may be panic. We might call upon Jesus or feel he is distant and uncaring. Yet, just as he calmed the storm for his disciples, Jesus can intervene in our lives. He is God with power over all things and always cares for us.

These life storms are often tests of faith and trust in the Lord. Our first response should be to call upon him in faith, trusting that whatever happens will be for the best. This does not mean Jesus will resolve every problem as we wish; his wisdom allows him to see beyond our immediate struggles to his larger plan of salvation.

Through suffering and life's storms, we can learn valuable lessons. Our love for others may deepen, or we might recognize personal sins previously unnoticed, leading to greater freedom and calmness. While it is essential to seek Jesus in times of need, we must avoid thinking we control him.

As this parish begins its centennial celebration, it has witnessed many historical storms: the Great Depression, World War II, and the closure of the sugar plantation among them. These events caused great turbulence but also strengthened faith through encounters with Jesus here at church.

While individuals can encounter Jesus privately or in nature's beauty, there is no place like church for experiencing him physically through Holy Communion. The same Jesus who calmed the stormy sea is present here to provide hope and confidence.

A parish's role extends beyond nurturing its own members' faith; it must also reach out to others who have drifted away or do not know Jesus at all. Parishioners are encouraged to invite others back into the fold and share their experiences of encountering Christ.

I often tell priests that parishes should function like seminaries where people grow in faith before going forth to minister to others. Similarly, parishioners should leave church ready to share what they have received with those outside its walls.

Storms are an inevitable part of life. Facing them with fear alone can lead to being overwhelmed. However, placing trust in Jesus—encountered physically through the Eucharist—enables survival through life's challenges while praising God for his power and constant care.

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