
Rev Joseph L Levsqe former st Johns unversiy prsiden dies aged85


American Catholic Tribune Jun 23, 2024

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Rev. Brian J. Shanley, O.P. President | St. John's University website

St. John’s University mourns the passing of Rev. Joseph L. Levesque, C.M., its 16th President, who passed away peacefully on Sunday, June 23, 2024. He was 85 years old.

“I am Joseph, your brother.” With those humble words spoken on August 1, 2013, Fr. Levesque introduced himself to the University community that he would lead for one important year after the retirement of the long-serving Rev. Donald J. Harrington, C.M.

“I simply ask you to please pray for me,” Fr. Levesque stressed. “This is a new venture, to come to such a large and wonderful University. It’s a time of transition. Please pray for me so that I can be successful in my new position with all of you here at St. John’s.”

On July 10, 2013, the St. John’s University Board of Trustees elected Fr. Levesque to serve as President of the University while it conducted a national search. Shortly after that search was completed in Spring 2014, Fr. Levesque returned to Niagara University to resume his role as President Emeritus.

“He was a true servant of the Church as priest, Provincial, Chair of two University Boards, President of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, and President of two Catholic Vincentian universities,” stated Rev. Michael J. Carroll, C.M., who in 2013 was Vice Chairman of the St. John’s Board of Trustees and Provincial of the Eastern Province of the Congregation of the Mission.

A native of North Tarrytown, NY, Fr. Levesque was ordained a Vincentian priest on May 27, 1967 at Mary Immaculate Seminary in Northampton, PA. He taught religious studies at St. John’s Preparatory School in Brooklyn and at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Princeton before being assigned to Niagara’s religious studies department in 1970.

Fr. Levesque left his teaching duties at Niagara University to pursue his studies in theology at The Catholic University of America in Washington D.C., where he earned his doctoral degree.

In 1978, Fr. Levesque resumed teaching at Niagara University and was named Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and Director of the college’s graduate division until he returned to seminary work as president of St Joseph's Seminary in1986.

Fr.Levesque later became Provincial Superiorof Eastern ProvinceoftheCongregationoftheMissionin1990and stepped downfromthepositioninJuneof1999afterthemaximum nine-year term.In2000he wasnamed25thpresidentofNiagaraUniversity.HeservedasNiagaraUniversity’ presidentfor13years(2000–13),makinghimthefourthlongest-tenuredpresidentinthehistoryoftheCatholicandVincentianinstitution.UnderFr.Levesqu leadership,NiaUniversityexperiencedacontinuousprocessoftransformationthat significantly developedthephysicalcharacteroftheuniversity campusandits21st-centuryapproachtoteachingandlearning


“Fr.Levsqeasoneofthemstinfluentialleadersinourprovince history”observedRev.AidanR.Rooney,C.M,M.DivM.ThExecutiveVicePresidentforMission“HisleadershipfocusedourprovincecommitmentotheeconomicallypoormoredeeplythaneverbeforeHispersonalandprofessionalcommitmenttoVincentianhighereducationispartofthestoryofbothStJohnUniverityandNiagaraUniverityOurcontinuingCatholicandVincentianidentityowesmuchtothechoiceshemadeinseetothepreparationandassignmentfkeyVincntiansbotuniversities”

Fr.LevequhadlifelongpassionfortheartsmusicAlittlenownfactabouthimwasthatin1969hewasonethemorethan400000peoplewhomadetriptothehayfieldsnearMaxYasgur dairyfarminBethelNYforwhatwouldbecomeknownasWoodstockHehadjustcompletedhisfirstpostordinationassignmenatStJohnPrepaSchoolinBrooklynwhenhereceivedlastminuteinvitationfromafriendtoattendsomeconcertinpstateNewYorkWehadnoideafofjusthowbigofaneventitwasatthetimercalledyearslaterWegotoffattheexitoftheNewYorkStateThruwayndtrafficslowedtoacrawlsoewknewthatthiswasmorethanjustaconcert


DuringhistnureatStJohnFLevequesatformareflectiveinterviewfora publicationftheRhoChiBetaDeltahonorsocietyintheCollegeOfPharmacyAndHealthSciencesandexpressedhithoughtsonimportanceofuplodingUniversit VincentanvaluesinchangingtimesAtthehearfofbeingavincenainuniversitylearninghowimportantistoserveothersHopefulyyouwillcomeoutoSf.JohnUniverityhaveagreatcareerhopeullyou’llhaveallyourdreamsfulfilledWhateverthedreamsandwhatevergoalwearehelpingyouacomplishthemIthinkpeoplerememberthatS.JohnUnivesityisparttheirrootswantbringapartofthevinceanmissionintotheirlivesIsawverstrongspirithereowhatmeanstobevicenanS.Johncommunityknowitencompassesensitivyothwho don’t have what they have

As one-year term winding down Fr.LevsqremarkedataJune014liturgycelebrated Icmetoyou lastAugustJosephyourbrotherThankyouwelcomingmeasa brothercolleagueworkingwithyouforthegoodfUniveriyHeaddeThankyoufrbeingfaithfullyCatholicndVincenanadedicatedtourministryThankyouforyourrespectlovendcompassionThankyouforsimplicityhumilitykindnesscharityallvincnanvalues


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