Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., D.D. Archbishop | Archdiocese of Newark website
Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, Archbishop of Newark, has released a pastoral letter titled "We Are His Witnesses" on the eighth anniversary of his installation. The letter addresses themes of "pastoral conversion" and "missionary discipleship," aligning with Pope Francis's guidance since he began his papacy over eleven years ago.
In the letter, Cardinal Tobin explores what it means to follow a path of pastoral conversion and missionary discipleship in northern New Jersey. He emphasizes the importance of openness to God's Word and listening to one another as key components. "Pastoral conversion requires nothing more or less than our willingness to be open to what God’s Word is saying to us and to listen to one another," he states.
The document also references the Final Document from the Synod in Rome last October, highlighting that "the Church exists to bear witness in the world to the most decisive moment in history: the Resurrection of Jesus."
Cardinal Tobin introduces a multi-year initiative under the same name as his letter during this Jubilee Year as “Pilgrims of Hope.” This initiative aims at addressing various questions related to synodality, missionary outreach, faith formation, and collaboration among leadership within the archdiocese.
Auxiliary Bishop Michael A. Saporito will lead this initiative. Cardinal Tobin notes that Bishop Saporito will ensure effective communication with pastoral leaders and communities throughout this process.
A Commission on Pastoral Planning has been formed, consisting of members who will assist Bishop Saporito in designing and implementing this comprehensive plan. The aim is for a unified pastoral plan by summer 2026.
Pope Francis's Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) is included as an appendix in Cardinal Tobin's letter. It discusses advancing along a path of pastoral and missionary conversion globally.
The proposed timeline for presenting a unified pastoral plan is set for summer 2026. Cardinal Tobin invites everyone in the Archdiocese of Newark to participate actively through prayerful discernment and dialogue.
He concludes by urging prayer for success: "Please join me in praying for the success of We Are His Witnesses."