Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D. Bishop | Archdiocese of Louisville
This October, Catholic high school students from the Archdiocese of Louisville took part in a service day to learn about respect-life issues and volunteer at various community organizations. The initiative was organized by the archdiocese’s Family and Life Ministries Office and involved students from Assumption High School, Mercy Academy, Sacred Heart Academy, and Trinity High School.
The students visited several locations including a pregnancy center, food pantry, clothing donation center, and a maternity home. C.J. Taylor, a junior at Trinity High School, expressed his motivation for participating: “We are called to honor and cherish each life as sacred.” He attended the service day to deepen his understanding of human dignity.
Stuart Hamilton, the Archdiocese of Louisville’s pro-life event coordinator, explained that the goal was to teach students about the dignity of human life by showcasing "an array of respect life issues." Their experience began at Little Way Pregnancy Resource Center where they learned about clients' challenges and success stories.
Volunteering efforts continued with Catholic Charities of Louisville where some students sorted donated clothing while others helped distribute food through the Father Jack Jones Food Pantry. The day concluded with a visit to Lifehouse Maternity Home where they toured the facility and learned about life in a maternity home.
“These experiences create a memory” said Hamilton, adding that they help “expose the students to the dignity of human life.” He emphasized that Little Way Pregnancy Resource Center assists women in making decisions for life and highlighted how helping those new to the country or experiencing poverty is part of showing students "the wide spectrum of the dignity of life."
Hamilton hopes that participants gained awareness that these ministries exist within their community: “The church does provide for people, and you are a part of that.”