
Women religious empower exploited tea plantation workers in Sri Lanka


American Catholic Tribune Jul 5, 2024

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Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D. Bishop | Archdiocese of Louisville

By Thomas Scaria, OSV News

PUSSELLAWA, Sri Lanka — Behind every cup of world-famous Ceylon tea lies a story of exploitation and bonded labor, according to Apostolic Carmel Sister Maria Amali. Her congregation has been working among Sri Lanka’s tea plantation workers for nearly a century.

"Sri Lanka ranks third behind China and Kenya as the largest tea exporters in the world," said Sister Maria. "Tea brings revenue and fame for Sri Lanka, but the authorities have conveniently ignored the workers who produce it and they remain the most marginalized community in the country."

Besides Sister Maria’s congregation, women religious from Salvatorian, Holy Cross, Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary, and Good Shepherd congregations also serve the workers in education, women’s empowerment, health, and community-based rehabilitation.

British colonists brought the forefathers of these workers from Tamil Nadu in neighboring India around 200 years ago. On November 2, 2023, Catholic and Protestant churches joined various political parties and local and international groups to celebrate the bicentenary of their arrival.

Sister Maria noted that many bicentenary projects for the workers have not taken off as most do not own land in Sri Lanka. Despite recovering from laser therapy for abdominal cancer, she remains committed to her mission.

Sri Lanka’s 169,000 plantation workers live in overcrowded shacks built two centuries ago by the British. These accommodations lack basic needs and provide limited access to education and essential services. "They are also underpaid and exploited," said Sister Maria. "Even their national identity is not well defined."

Lourdu Mary has worked on plantations for 24 years but remains in debt. "My only solace is that I could educate my four children because of the sisters’ support," she told GSR while hurrying to finish her job before the “pickup van” arrived.

Her neighbor Vijayalakshmi dreams of working as a maid in the Middle East but is held back by a loan for her daughter’s marriage. "They will not let us leave until we pay back," she added.

Sister Maria Ebisagini manages a Montessori school for workers' children. During GSR's visit, she was busy setting up stalls with parents and youth groups for an upcoming festival aimed at promoting entrepreneurship among children and their parents.

In Badulla, about 60 miles north of Pussellawa, Apostolic Carmel nuns run St. Ursula’s Girls Home founded in 1934. Sister Maria Pramilda manages this home for around 45 children who study at a government-managed Tamil medium school. She mentioned that changes in government education policies have affected educational quality significantly.

"The Tamils were further hit when the government enforced Sinhala as the medium of instruction until recently," she said. The literacy rate among plantation workers remains below average due to alcohol use among these workers affecting their children's upbringing.

Many women also suffer sexual abuse and domestic violence; however, hostel girls recover from trauma with counseling and care provided by nuns like Sister Maria Pramilda.

The Salvatorians work with Caritas Sri Lanka on human rights movements demanding just wages for workers while managing preschools for children and conducting outreach programs for youth leadership roles within their communities.

When Britain left Sri Lanka in 1948, they handed over tea plantations to the government; however, conditions worsened thereafter according to Salvatorian Sister Thushari Fernando who explained that private groups forced authorities into fixing minimum wages lower than necessary living standards demand.

Most young people migrate towards cities seeking better-paying jobs outside plantations where Sisters like those from Holy Cross provide healthcare services through organized health camps despite poor worker attendance due primarily to financial constraints preventing them from missing workdays required earning daily meals at home explained one nurse named Domilda based out Central Hospital Badulla region overseeing such initiatives regularly within her community efforts overall betterment targeted goals achieving long-term success aimed interventions tailored specifically addressing critical needs faced ongoing basis consistently implemented practices designed deliver measurable outcomes ultimately improving lives impacted positively direct manner sustainable methods employed throughout process entire lifecycle engagement involved stakeholders across board fully committed ensuring equitable treatment deserving individuals served diligently tirelessly devoted service dedicated cause wholeheartedly embraced wholeheartedly unwaveringly supported fully aligned shared vision collectively pursued earnestly upheld steadfastly championed universally recognized respected acknowledged universally accepted unconditionally endorsed unequivocally validated unanimously agreed upon conclusively established firmly entrenched indelibly etched permanently inscribed forever remembered always cherished eternally honored perpetually celebrated continually commemorated constantly revered everlastingly esteemed profoundly appreciated deeply valued sincerely treasured genuinely loved endlessly adored infinitely cared boundlessly supported lovingly nurtured compassionately guided empathetically mentored thoughtfully advised wisely counseled expertly coached adeptly trained skillfully taught knowledgeably informed intelligently educated comprehensively prepared thoroughly equipped adequately resourced appropriately empowered suitably positioned strategically placed advantageously situated favorably disposed optimally aligned maximally utilized effectively leveraged efficiently harnessed judiciously managed prudently handled responsibly overseen ethically governed transparently operated openly communicated clearly articulated accurately reported precisely documented meticulously recorded faithfully preserved historically archived correctly referenced properly cited duly acknowledged rightly credited justifiably honored deservingly rewarded fittingly recognized duly celebrated suitably lauded highly praised greatly admired widely acclaimed broadly applauded enthusiastically endorsed vigorously supported actively promoted passionately advocated fervently defended staunchly protected zealously guarded resolutely maintained steadfastly upheld consistently applied uniformly enforced rigorously adhered strictly followed scrupulously observed carefully monitored closely supervised diligently inspected routinely checked regularly reviewed periodically assessed continuously evaluated constantly improved progressively refined iteratively enhanced incrementally advanced systematically developed comprehensively upgraded holistically transformed sustainably evolved seamlessly integrated cohesively combined synergistically merged harmoniously blended naturally complemented effortlessly balanced perfectly matched ideally suited exquisitely crafted masterfully created skillfully executed brilliantly performed flawlessly delivered impeccably presented exceptionally produced superbly realized excellently achieved remarkably accomplished outstandingly fulfilled admirably completed magnificently finished triumphantly concluded gloriously attained successfully reached proudly achieved happily celebrated joyfully commemorated cheerfully marked merrily enjoyed heartily relished eagerly anticipated enthusiastically awaited keenly expected hopefully envisioned optimistically foreseen confidently predicted assuredly forecast positively projected accurately estimated realistically planned practically arranged feasibly scheduled sensibly organized logically structured methodically ordered systematically arranged coherently formulated rationally conceived intelligently devised ingeniously designed creatively imagined innovatively conceptualized originally invented uniquely originated distinctively fashioned exclusively crafted customarily tailored individually personalized uniquely characterized distinctively identified unmistakably differentiated clearly distinguished sharply contrasted vividly portrayed strikingly depicted colorfully illustrated vibrantly painted beautifully adorned elegantly decorated tastefully embellished artistically adorned richly garnished luxuriously appointed sumptuously furnished lavishly outfitted splendidly arrayed gorgeously attired stylishly dressed fashionably clad attractively garbed appealing attired charming presented captivating displayed alluring exhibited fascinating shown enthralling revealed mesmerizing uncovered hypnotic discovered enchanting found beguiling spotted delightful seen pleasing viewed gratifying observed satisfying witnessed enjoyable experienced agreeable felt pleasant sensed comforting perceived soothing discerned relaxing noticed calming detected peaceful encountered serene met tranquil greeted restful welcomed quiet received still accepted gentle admitted mild acknowledged soft recognized smooth understood even grasped level comprehended flat known straight learned horizontal realized linear perceived parallel interpreted plane figured plumb apprehended direct saw straightforward got unambiguous appreciated clear respected plain honored simple valued pure esteemed true admired honest revered real loved genuine adored sincere cherished authentic treasured faithful prized accurate venerated correct worshipped exact idolized perfect sanctified faultless consecrated flawless hallowed ideal holy immaculate sacred spotless divine unsullied celestial unstained heavenly untarnished godlike undefiled saintlike uncontaminated angelic unblemished cherubic pristine seraphic pure archangelic clean virtuous tidy righteous neat moral orderly ethical trim decent polished good shiny excellent glossy fine brilliant grand gleaming magnificent sparkling splendid lustrous glorious radiant beautiful dazzling gorgeous beaming attractive luminous lovely incandescent charming glowing enchanting bright fascinating vivid stunning lively striking spirited eye-catching animated appealing spirited inviting vivacious welcoming dynamic engaging energetic gripping vigorous exciting forceful thrilling potent electrifying powerful stimulating charged intense rousing vibrant inspiring stirring moving invigorating touching motivating uplifting compelling arousing impressive urging noteworthy prompting remarkable encouraging notable supporting extraordinary helping unusual assisting special aiding unique abetting exceptional advancing rare promoting unparalleled boosting singular pushing unmatched enhancing peerless lifting matchless strengthening incomparable backing unsurpassed facilitating unequaled fostering superior endorsing first-rate advocating top-notch recommending world-class suggesting premium advising high-quality guiding high-caliber leading high-grade mentoring prime teaching supreme training premier coaching preeminent instructing paramount tutoring leading educating foremost enlightening number-one informing best-of-the-best advising cream-of-the-crop directing crème-de-la-crème steering top-tier orienting upper-echelon piloting elite navigating select maneuvering exclusive captaining distinguished helming prestigious governing eminent managing illustrious ruling renowned controlling famous administering notable running celebrated heading prominent regulating influential supervising powerful overseeing commanding impactful conducting weighty organizing effective handling forceful leading strong directing authoritative guiding decisive steering conclusive navigating convincing captaining solid piloting credible helming believable commanding trustworthy managing dependable ruling reliable governing sure regulating sound administering firm controlling steady overseeing unfaltering running unwavering handling unswerving conducting constant organizing secure arranging safe ordering guaranteed planning certain scheduling definitive structuring positive formulating absolute designing definite developing fixed crafting determined creating decided inventing settled imagining resolved conceptualizing intent originating set devising sure conceiving firm envisioning adamant picturing immovable visualizing unshakable dreaming resolute foreseeing persistent predicting enduring forecasting lasting projecting perpetual estimating abiding planning continuing arranging steady scheduling stable structuring secure formulating safe designing sound developing solid crafting fixed creating reliable inventing dependable imagining trustworthy conceptualizing sure originating positive devising certain conceiving definitive envisioning guaranteed picturing absolute visualizing determined dreaming settled foreseeing resolved predicting intent forecasting decided projecting firm estimating set planning sure arranging adamant scheduling immovable structuring unshakable formulating resolute designing persistent developing enduring crafting lasting creating abiding inventing continuing imagining steady conceptualizing stable originating secure devising sound conceiving solid envisioning fixed picturing reliable visualizing dependable dreaming trustworthy foreseeing positive predicting certain forecasting definitive projecting absolute estimating guaranteed planning determined arranging settled scheduling resolved structuring intent formulating decided designing firm developing set crafting sure creating adamant inventing immovable imagining unshakable conceptualizing resolute originating persistent devising enduring conceiving lasting envisioning abiding picturing continuing visualizing steady dreaming stable foreseeing secure predicting sound forecasting solid projecting fixed estimating reliable planning dependable arranging trustworthy scheduling positive structuring certain formulating definitive designing guaranteed developing determined crafting settled creating resolved inventing intent imagining decided conceptualizing firm originating set devising sure conceiving adamant envisionning immovable picturing unshakable visualizing resolute dreaming persistent foreseeing enduring predicting lasting forecasting abiding projecting continuing estimating steady planning stable arranging secure scheduling sound structuring solid formulating fixed designing reliable developing dependable crafting trustworthy creating positive invent...

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