
Deacon Van Dung Tran set for ordination on June 1


American Catholic Tribune May 16, 2024

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Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D. Bishop | Archdiocese of Louisville

Deacon Van Dung Tran, who was often found attending church with his friends at 4 a.m. during his middle school years, has announced that he will be ordained by Archbishop Shelton J. Fabre. The ordination ceremony is set to take place on the first day of June at St. Michael Church, located at 3705 Stone Lakes Drive.

Tran will be ordained alongside Deacons Matthew Millay, Kenneth Nauert, Michael Schultz and Yen Tran. Speaking about his upcoming ordination, Deacon Tran expressed both excitement and nervousness due to the many responsibilities that come with being a newly ordained priest. However, he also shared his eagerness to serve the people of God and help them encounter Christ through celebrating Mass and sacraments.

Raised in Long Hai Village in Ha Tinh Vietnam by Su Van Tran, a fisherman, and Nguyet Thi Tran, a housewife, Deacon Tran is one of six children. His family's devout faith played a significant role in shaping his own spiritual journey. "They took me to church and taught me how to pray," he said.

Although Deacon Tran holds a degree in information technology and once considered pursuing a career in this field, he feels drawn towards priesthood. He credits attending daily Mass and reading Dominican Father Paul O’Sullivan’s book — “Read Me or Rue It” — as well as observing the ministry of his parish priests for nurturing this calling.

During his early years in a fishing village where it was common for Mass to start at 5 a.m., Deacon Tran was part of a youth group that attended daily Mass faithfully. This practice deeply influenced him and further solidified his vocation towards priesthood.

Father O’Sullivan’s book “Read Me or Rue It,” which shares stories about souls in purgatory and guides readers on how to avoid purgatory had a profound impact on him. According to Father O’Sullivan, one of the ways to help souls in purgatory is to say Mass for them. This inspired Deacon Tran to consider priesthood as his calling.

Upon his ordination, Deacon Tran will serve as an associate pastor at St. Michael Church, the same parish where he will be ordained.

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