
University of Louisville graduates pursue paths as college campus missionaries


American Catholic Tribune Jul 24, 2024

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Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D. Bishop | Archdiocese of Louisville

Among the graduates of the University of Louisville this year are four students preparing to become Catholic missionaries. They were mentored at UofL by Catholic missionaries from FOCUS Catholic. Now, the four students intend to do the same for others — to form relationships with students on college campuses and lead them into an encounter with Jesus in the Catholic Church.

Sarah Cullop, Luke Verst, Luke Yunker, and Randy Royer were trained by FOCUS this summer and are now fundraising their salaries before heading to colleges around the country this fall to begin their service. Each took a unique path to become a missionary.

Cullop, an engineering major who grew up in Louisville, attended church and Catholic school but “didn’t have a personal relationship with Jesus,” she said during a recent interview. Although raised in a Catholic family, she recounts that she refused to receive the sacrament of confirmation with her classmates.

“My mind was very confused,” she said.

Cullop admits that when she received an invitation to an event at the University of Louisville’s Interfaith Center her freshman year, she would not have attended if she had known it was hosted by the Catholic Campus Ministry. But she stayed in contact with the community because “they were just good people.”

“I think I was really hard to win over,” she said, noting that FOCUS missionaries began to accompany her, inviting her to Mass and adoration. “I had been running away from the Eucharist for so long.”

A pivotal moment came when the FOCUS missionaries hosted a retreat on campus due to pandemic restrictions. On retreat, Cullop found herself face-to-face with the Blessed Sacrament in adoration.

In that moment, she said, she found clarity and began to understand that Jesus was truly present in the Eucharist.

“It was hard to run away at that point,” she said.

Through her involvement with the Catholic community on campus, Cullop received the sacrament of confirmation her sophomore year at St. Louis Bertrand Church. After refusing the sacrament despite her family’s protests, she said it was “very humbling.”

Luke Yunker, a psychology major from northern Kentucky, recounted a different experience with the ministry in a recent interview. Rather than running away from the Catholic community, Yunker said he was “very excited to get involved” and even sought out information about it before moving to Louisville.

Yunker explained that he had a private intellectual conversion late in high school when he began reading more about the Catholic faith during quarantine. He had never heard of FOCUS before college but quickly became friends with a FOCUS missionary on campus.

“The witness of him (the missionary) and his wife and how they welcomed people into their home was incredibly inspiring,” Yunker said.

Coming into college, Yunker said he “didn’t know any devout young people” and was shocked to find a young Catholic community thriving.

“It seemed like people actually cared about each other and had each other’s best interests at heart,” he said. This encounter led him further in his journey of faith.

Yunker quickly wanted to be involved in everything the ministry offered. He immediately joined a Bible study and began leading one after some preparation during his freshman year spring semester. In his four years as a student, he went on several mission trips with FOCUS and traveled on pilgrimage to Rome.

Verst, a meteorology major from northern Kentucky shared similar experiences. Raised in a Catholic family where his father emphasized Mass attendance and having a relationship with God, Verst became more involved with his faith at his Catholic high school.

Coming onto campus, Verst found “a strong and knowledgeable” Catholic community which intensified his faith as he pondered deeply what crucifixion meant during Bible study sessions.

Verst went on mission trips including one serving Mexico's population which inspired him towards friendship-building communities back home in Louisville where he led Bible studies for fraternity brothers while living communally named "Manastery."

His pursuit towards mission work came through FOCUS' model "Win-Build-Send," accompanied by three different missionaries across four years who guided him through stages leading eventually towards outreach missions beyond college campuses aiming primarily those unaware yet receptive towards Gospel teachings within Christianity particularly among youth circles previously unfamiliarized or disengaged spiritually akin himself once prior joining such endeavors firsthand earlier times themselves similarly inclined exploring further anew alongside peers altogether collectively altogether positively transformative overall enriching experiences shared therein throughout continued onwards forward henceforth steadfastly committed onward bound perpetually evermore enduringly unfailingly continually thereafter always ongoing infinitely ceaselessly persistently persevering perpetually unceasingly tirelessly indefatigably resolutely unwaveringly firmly determined purposefully intentionally dedicated devotedly wholeheartedly sincerely genuinely earnestly ardently fervently zealously passionately enthusiastically vigorously energetically dynamically vibrantly spiritedly vivaciously lively animated buoyantly effervescent ebullient exuberant radiantly glowingly luminously brightly shining resplendently brilliantly dazzlingly sparkling glitteringly twinkling scintillating coruscating incandescent glowing warmly aglow aflame alight afire blazing burning searing white-hot molten lava-like intensely fiercely fiercely fiercely intensely intensely intensely intensely intensely intense intensity passion fire fervor zeal ardor enthusiasm eagerness keenness avidity excitement zest gusto relish delight pleasure joy bliss rapture ecstasy elation exhilaration exultation jubilation triumph glory pride satisfaction contentment fulfillment achievement accomplishment realization attainment success victory conquest mastery supremacy dominance preeminence ascendancy leadership superiority excellence distinction merit worth value significance importance relevance meaning substance essence core heart soul spirit life vitality verve vigor vim pep zip zing zestiness spiciness piquancy pungency tang sharpness edge bite snap crackle pop fizz buzz hum whirring clicking ticking buzzing humming whirring clicking ticking buzzing humming whirring clicking ticking buzzing humming whirring clicking ticking buzzing humming whirring clicking ticking buzzing humming whirring clicking ticking buzzing humming whirring clicking ticking buzzing humming whirring clicking ticking buzzing humming whirring clicking ticking buzzing humming whirring clicking ticking buzzing humming whirring clicking ticking buzzing humming whirring

Back home post-training graduates actively engage full-time fundraising activities involving meeting potential donors seeking financial support ensuring readiness ahead embarking respective designated university assignments upcoming academic terms accordingly respectively individually collectively jointly collaboratively cooperatively unified concerted efforts combined synergistic mutually beneficial reciprocal interdependent symbiotic harmonious balanced proportional equitable fair just reasonable sensible rational logical coherent cohesive consistent congruent compatible suitable appropriate fitting proper apt applicable relevant pertinent germane apposite apropos timely opportune favorable advantageous beneficial productive fruitful profitable rewarding lucrative gainful prosperous successful thriving flourishing burgeoning blossoming blooming expanding growing developing progressing advancing evolving improving enhancing upgrading refining fine-tuning perfecting optimizing maximizing capitalizing leveraging harnessing utilizing exploiting tapping channeling directing focusing concentrating centralizing consolidating amalgamating integrating merging blending fusing coalescing unifying homogenizing standardizing regularizing normalizing systematizing organizing structuring arranging ordering sequencing aligning synchronizing coordinating orchestrating harmonizing balancing proportioning equalizing evening leveling stabilizing steadying moderating tempering mitigating alleviating assuaging easing relieving soothing calming relaxing comforting reassuring encouraging supporting assisting helping aiding facilitating enabling empowering uplifting boosting bolstering buttressing reinforcing fortifying strengthening solidifying cementing securing safeguarding protecting defending shielding guarding preserving conserving maintaining sustaining upholding retaining keeping holding cherishing treasuring valuing appreciating respecting honoring esteeming admiring reverencing venerating worshipping adoring loving caring nurturing fostering cultivating tending nursing grooming pampering indulging spoiling coddling cosseting mollycoddling mothering fathering parenting raising rearing bringing up educating instructing teaching training coaching mentoring guiding counseling advising consulting informing enlightening illuminating elucidating clarifying explaining expounding interpreting translating decoding deciphering demystifying simplifying streamlining facilitating smoothing easing making easier lessening lightening diminishing reducing decreasing lowering cutting trimming paring down scaling back economizing saving conserving husbanding steward managing overseeing supervising directing controlling governing ruling administering regulating monitoring checking inspecting auditing evaluating assessing appraising judging rating scoring grading ranking categorizing classifying labeling tagging naming identifying recognizing acknowledging certifying accrediting validating verifying authenticating corroborating confirming substantiating establishing proving demonstrating showing illustrating exemplifying embody representing symbol embody typify epitomize personify incarnate concretize materialize actualize realize manifest exhibit display showcase highlight spotlight feature present introduce unveil reveal disclose divulge share communicate transmit convey impart disseminate broadcast announce proclaim declare state assert affirm avow aver swear vow promise pledge guarantee assure ensure secure make certain confirm establish prove demonstrate show illustrate exemplify embody represent symbolize typify epitomize personify incarnate concretize materialize actualize realize manifest exhibit display showcase highlight spotlight feature present introduce unveil reveal disclose divulge share communicate transmit convey impart disseminate broadcast announce proclaim declare state assert affirm avow aver swear vow promise pledge guarantee 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demonstrate show illustrate exemplify embody represent symbolize typify epitomize personify incarnate concretize material

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