
Four priests celebrate jubilees at Archdiocese of Louisville's annual Mass


American Catholic Tribune May 16, 2024

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Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D. Bishop | Archdiocese of Louisville

In a ceremony held on May 14, Father Gary T. Padgett likened today's priests to Christ's first apostles and offered encouragement to the Archdiocese of Louisville’s presbyterate during an annual Mass to recognize priest jubilees. Father Padgett is celebrating his silver jubilee this year, while Father Benedict J.F. Brown marks his golden jubilee. Meanwhile, Father Robert Osborne and Father James T. Mudd are celebrating their 70th and 60th anniversaries respectively in 2024.

The liturgy was concelebrated at the Cathedral of the Assumption with Archbishop Shelton J. Fabre, primarily attended by fellow priests. Archbishop Fabre welcomed the priests and acknowledged the jubilarians who, he stated, "have blessed this archdiocese with service."

Father Padgett delivered the homily, drawing from the day’s reading from the Gospel of John, chapter 15, verses 9 to 17. He reflected on how Matthias was chosen after Christ's resurrection to join other apostles in establishing the early church despite having no educational background or instruction manual.

Drawing parallels between the apostles' challenges and those faced by modern priesthood, Father Padgett said that even amidst confusion and chaos, priests are often left to their own devices and frequently question their actions and decisions. However, he reassured them by referring back to today's Gospel: "We were chosen," said Father Padgett. "We did not choose."

The four jubilarians have served various ministries throughout their years of service:

Father Gary Padgett was ordained on June 5, 1999 after attending St. Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology in St. Meinrad, Ind., serving initially as associate pastor of Holy Spirit Church before moving onto Ascension Church in 2001 until 2014. He currently serves as pastor of St. James and St. Brigid churches in the Highlands, and has also served as a chaplain at Sacred Heart Academy and St. Xavier High School.

Father Benedict J.F. Brown was ordained on May 25, 1974, after attending St. Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology in St. Meinrad, Ind. He served as director of the archdiocese’s Vocation Office and ministered as associate pastor at several churches before becoming a chaplain in the U.S. Navy in 1990. He retired from the Navy in 2009 and has since then served as administrator of various churches.

Father James T. Mudd was ordained on May 23, 1964 after attending St. Thomas Seminary and St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore. He began his ministry as a teacher at Trinity High School before serving as an associate pastor at multiple churches and eventually becoming a pastor himself.

Father Robert E. Osborne was ordained on May 8, 1954 after attending St. Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology in St. Meinrad, Ind., teaching at Trinity High School from 1957 to 1970 before serving as an associate pastor of various churches.

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