
ST. JUDE THADDEUS CATHOLIC CHURCH IN BURKBURNETT, TX: Mass intensions for the week of July 10


American Catholic Tribune Report Jul 7, 2023

St. Jude Thaddeus Catholic Church in Burkburnett, TX | St. Jude Thaddeus Catholic Church in Burkburnett, TX Official Website

Here are upcoming Mass times intentions for  St. Jude Thaddeus Catholic Church in Burkburnett, TX 

SUN. July 9

7:30a for the people of Saint Paul

9:15a for the people of Christ the King

11:00a for the people of Saint Jude Thaddeus

MON. July 10

TUES. July 11

8:00a health intentions for Gloria Luyon

by Hanna Jellison

WED. July 12

8:00a for the Holy Souls in purgatory

by Michael and Corrine Richter

THUR. July 13

8:00a health intentions for Irma Zavala

by Billie Herbert

FRI. July 14

8:00a health intentions for all members of

the Altar Society

SAT. July 15


5:00p Stan Gilkerson† by Esther Gilkerson 

Original source can be found here

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