St. Jude Thaddeus Catholic Church in Burkburnett, TX | St. Jude Thaddeus Catholic Church in Burkburnett, TX Official Website
Here are upcoming Mass times intentions for St. Jude Thaddeus Catholic Church in Burkburnett, TX
SUN. July 9
7:30a for the people of Saint Paul
9:15a for the people of Christ the King
11:00a for the people of Saint Jude Thaddeus
MON. July 10
TUES. July 11
8:00a health intentions for Gloria Luyon
by Hanna Jellison
WED. July 12
8:00a for the Holy Souls in purgatory
by Michael and Corrine Richter
THUR. July 13
8:00a health intentions for Irma Zavala
by Billie Herbert
FRI. July 14
8:00a health intentions for all members of
the Altar Society
SAT. July 15
5:00p Stan Gilkerson† by Esther Gilkerson
Original source can be found here