Revered Carl A. Kemme, D.D. Bishop | Diocese of Witchita
Sr. Maria Jacinta addressed a gathering of educators during the Regan Catechetical Institute on November 25 at Magdalen School in Wichita. The event, themed "His Plan, Our Purpose," aimed to remind educators from the Diocese of Wichita about their vocation as Catholic school teachers.
A total of 771 teachers and administrators attended the bi-annual institute held on November 25-26 at Church of the Magdalen Parish in Wichita.
“I am so grateful to the teachers for the spirit, enthusiasm, and joy they bring to this event,” said Superintendent of Catholic Schools Janet Eaton. “Since the days of Covid, we have given an effort to remake the institute, whereby it includes two beautiful liturgies, a keynote speaker, four one-hour sessions on a variety of topics as chosen by the teacher, meals together, and fellowship.”
Keynote speakers included Fr. Gale Hammerschmidt from St. Isidore Catholic Student Center at Kansas State University and Catholic author and radio host Jon Leonetti. Leonetti discussed faith's foundational role in aligning with Catholic schools' mission. Fr. Hammerschmidt emphasized the significance of Catholic school teachers in students' lives and noted that students from the Diocese of Wichita at his campus center reflect their teachers' excellence.
Kristin Schmitz, assistant superintendent of Catholic Schools, highlighted that this year's event covered diverse topics ranging from forming personal relationships with Christ to understanding core beliefs.
Attendees also participated in various breakout sessions featuring speakers like Tony Habashy on Unbound ministry and Beth Ferraro on Theology of the Body. Other presenters included Lisa Maliszewski discussing Pope Francis and Coaches Mike Watts and Josh Regan focusing on winning souls through sports. Sr. Maria Jacinta delivered three presentations on saints while Fr. Chad Arnold explored church teachings related to same-sex attraction. Additionally, Fr. David Lies addressed Rite of Exorcism and Deliverance Ministry while Fr. Eric Weldon spoke about apologetics.
The institute featured a Mass celebrated by Bishop Carl A. Kemme where attendees could partake in adoration and confession with thirty-four priests available for confessions.
The Monsignor Charles W. Regan endowment fund partially funds this event which was founded by Bob Voboril, former superintendent of Catholic Schools; since 2022 it has been adapted into its current format.