
Upcoming events in Louisville Archdiocese


American Catholic Tribune Aug 8, 2024

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Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D. Bishop | Archdiocese of Louisville

The Ursuline Sisters of Louisville will offer Taizé prayer on August 12 at 7 p.m. in the Ursuline Motherhouse Chapel, located at 3115 Lexington Road. No registration is necessary. For more information, call 896-2781 or email lfeldkamp@ursulineslou.org.

St. Raphael Church, situated at 2141 Lancashire Avenue, is organizing a follow-up event for attendees of the Eucharistic Congress on August 16 at 6 p.m. The “Revive Night” will include adoration and worship followed by discussion. All who attended the congress are invited to reflect on their experience.

The St. Serra Club of Louisville will hold a Holy Hour for vocations at 12:30 p.m. on August 14 in the chapel behind the altar at St. Margaret Mary Church, located at 7813 Shelbyville Road. All are welcome.

St. Margaret Mary Church will also host a Special Disciples of Jesus Mass on August 18 at 3 p.m., inviting special needs families and friends to attend this shorter Mass intended for children. Families are encouraged to participate in fellowship following the Mass. For more information, contact Tara Mattingly at 690-2851 or tmattingly@stmm.org.

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Louisville will conduct a healing Mass at 7 p.m. on August 21 at Holy Family Church, located at 3926 Poplar Level Road, with worship music starting at 6:30 p.m. Passionist Father Justin Nelson, pastor of St. Agnes Church, will preside over the service. For additional details, contact Bob Garvey at 435-6186.

Archbishop Shelton J. Fabre is set to ordain ten men to the diaconate at St. Peter the Apostle Church, located at 5431 Johnsontown Road, on August 24 at 11 a.m., following their completion of a five-year formation program that included participation from their wives if married.

The Catholic Singles Adults Club for individuals aged fifty and over will gather for dinner at Cliff House Pizza on August 11 at 5 p.m. For more information and directions, call 553-1476.

Catholic Singles of Louisville meets every first Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m., engaging in monthly prayer services and social gatherings such as dances and trivia nights. For more details and location information, contact Mike Miller at mike25k@aol.com or call him directly at 572-5240.

An American Red Cross blood drive is scheduled to take place at St. Michael Church, located at 3705 Stone Lakes Drive, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., on August 11. Donors may pre-register by calling the Red Cross or visiting redcrossblood.org; walk-ins are also welcome.

Catholic Charities of Louisville is seeking volunteers for data entry tasks that can be performed anytime Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., with any amount of time appreciated by contacting Karen Pate via kpate@archlou.org.

A grief support group named GRASP (Grief Recovery After a Substance Passing) meets monthly on the second Monday from 6:30 p.m.to8p .m.at Holy Trinity Church's multipurpose building locatedat501 Cherrywood Road .For additional information ,email Lindacicca@yahoo.com .

Nourish for Caregivers—a program supporting those caring for aging parents or loved ones—meets every second Wednesday monthly via Zoom and in personatSt.MargaretMaryChurch's Spirituality Center ,withthenextmeetingonAugust14.Thetopicis"TheRealitiesofStressandLearningtoCope."To registerandreceiveZoomlink ,contactDeniseRuizatdruiz@stmm.orgorcall690-2834 .

The Hope and Healing Grief Group meets monthly on third Wednesdays from6 :30p .m.to8p .m.in Sacred Heart CenteratSt.AlberttheGreatChurch ,1395GirardDr.ContactLauraGravenatlgraven@stalbert.orgor425 -3940 ext169formoreinformation.Allarewelcome .

Walking Through Grief,a10-week support groupforpeople grievingthedeathofsomeoneclose,beginsAugust20offeredviaZoomandinperson.ThegroupmeetsTuesdaysfrom6 :30p .m.to8 :30p .m.atSt.MargaretMaryChurch'sSpiritualityCenter.To registerandreceiveZoomlink ,contactDeniseRuizat426 -1588ordruiz@stmm.org .

A NAMI(National AllianceonMentalIllness)familysupportgroupisofferedmonthlyonthirdSundaysfrom7 :00p .m.to8 :15p .m.inParishLifeCenteratSt.AlberttheGreatChurch.Thegroupaimstoprovideanopenandsupportiveenvironmentforthosecaringforapersonwithmentalillnessincludinganxiety,depression,andaddiction.Allarewelcome .

The St.SerraClubofLouisvillewillholditsnextluncheonmeetingonAugust19at11 :30a .m.atGoldenCorrallocatedat4032TaylorsvilleRoad.ToddPopsonAssociateDirectorofVocationswillbespeaker.Costis$12formembersand$15forothers.FormoreinformationcallChuckLynchat442 -9302 .

The ArchdioceseofLouisvilleCursilloMovement’s60thanniversarywillbecelebratedwithMassonSeptember15at3 :00p .m.atSt.PetertheApostleChurch5431JohnsontownRoad.Masswillbefollowedbyameal.Celebrationisopentoall.ToattendRSVPbyAugust25bycalling502 -727 -9067 .

The Notre Dame ClubofGreaterLouisvilleisfundraisingforscholarshipfundbysellingticketstoSeptember28NotreDamev.UofLfootballgame.Ticketsare$225maybepurchasedonlineatlouisvilleundcluborg/events








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