
Texas Supreme Court upholds 'life of the mother' exception


American Catholic Tribune May 31, 2024

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Marjorie Dannenfelser - President, Susan B. Anthony Pro Life America | https://sbaprolife.org

The Texas Supreme Court has unanimously upheld the "life of the mother" exception within the state's pro-life law, affirming that doctors can provide necessary care to pregnant women experiencing emergencies. Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of SBA Pro-Life America, stated, "The Texas Supreme Court has ruled that Texas law is clear in protecting the life of unborn children and their mothers. Under the state’s pro-life protections, and all pro-life laws, doctors can provide pregnant women who experience an emergency with the proper care."

Dannenfelser emphasized that medical professionals should rely on their reasonable medical judgment: "We know doctors by-and-large understand they can rely on their reasonable medical judgment based on data showing abortions under the state’s ‘life of the mother’ exception have continued post-Dobbs; and we are grateful the Texas Medical Board is taking steps to educate doctors and the public."

She also addressed a specific case: "What happened to Amanda Zurawski was completely wrong. No woman should suffer and almost lose her life when the law is clear that doctors can—and should—intervene to prevent further harm. Doctors and hospitals that refuse to provide women with lifesaving treatment are not abiding by their Hippocratic oath and they should be held accountable."

Dannenfelser criticized political figures for allegedly spreading misinformation: "Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are putting lives in danger by spreading misinformation on pregnant women’s ability to receive emergency care. The abortion lobby has created confusion on this fact to give the Democrats cover for their extremely unpopular all-trimester abortion agenda. Despite this very clear decision from the Texas Supreme Court, Biden and Harris will continue to capitalize on tragedy and spread lies at the expense of women’s lives."

The Charlotte Lozier Institute supported Texas' pro-life laws through an amicus brief, highlighting how reasonable medical judgment standards apply across various areas of medicine in both state and federal law. Both CLI and SBA provided written and verbal comments to assist the Texas Medical Board in educating medical professionals about these laws.

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America represents over one million pro-life Americans nationwide, aiming to end abortion by electing national leaders and advocating for life-saving laws while promoting pro-life women leaders.


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