
President Collins defends faith-based colleges against broad criticisms


American Catholic Tribune May 31, 2024

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Dr. Timothy J. Collins President | Walsh University website

Dr. Tim Collins, President of Walsh University, has issued a response to Dennis Prager's recent commentary published in the Daily Signal on May 21, 2024, titled "Universities are Morally and Intellectually Destructive." Prager asserted that sending children to college is akin to "playing Russian Roulette with his or her values."

While acknowledging some of Prager's concerns about the state of American higher education, Dr. Collins disputes the blanket condemnation. He argues that such outcomes are more likely when students attend the wrong type of institution.

"As a patriot, Catholic scholar, and now university president who has studied and witnessed the impact that faith-based higher education has on students," Dr. Collins stated, "I can confidently say his comment bears adjustment: if you send your child to the wrong college that could happen."

Dr. Collins emphasized the historical role of faith-based institutions in shaping higher education since AD 1088 and criticized the shift towards utilitarianism driven by government involvement in the 20th century.

At Walsh University, Dr. Collins noted several practices aimed at fostering moral character and values among students: "It is a standard practice at my institution for the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer to begin every event held on campus. We stand for the national anthem. Holy Mass and adoration are offered daily."

He expressed concern over what he perceives as an increasing focus on political correctness at many institutions: "Many institutions of higher learning are more concerned with preparing students for political correctness rather than understanding how faith and reason make us better human beings."

Addressing Prager's assertion that young people are particularly susceptible to influence during their college years, Dr. Collins countered: "Nonsense. For 900+ years, higher education has poured the concrete footings for young people to prepare them for leadership in the workplace, in their families and communities."

Dr. Collins also criticized contemporary educational trends which he believes prioritize ideological conformity over critical thinking: "Our national tragedy is that many graduates have ceased becoming skeptics; rather, they have become parrots of ideological viewpoints."

He concluded by advocating for independent, faith-based education as essential to America's future resilience: "Independent, faith-based education helped build America … nurture America … sustain America … and will lead to Her resurgence unless the federal government succeeds in its current efforts to shutter every school that refuses to accept the falsehoods it enforces."

Dr. Collins urged prospective students and parents to carefully consider their choice of institution: "Investing in college is not only investing in one’s financial future; it’s investing in one’s life purpose, quality of life, moral character, and legacy."

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